Since 1992 we have been working with all Bulgarian and Turkish transportation companies doing business in the city of Burgas.
We offer fast, high quality, comfortable and reliable transportation to and from Istanbul in high class and cosy buses, great service!
The satisfaction of our customers is our # 1 priority!
Our goal is to make you happy so you become our regular clients and recommend us to others.
We will take care of you from the purchase of the ticket till the end of your trip.
Your comfort and satisfaction are important to us. We are extremely sensitive to passengers who need special assistance and are more than happy to accommodate them.
In case you want to get around Istanbul, or get additional information about the city, get a taxi or find a place, we will assist you do that!
Our customers are taken care of from the beginning till the end of their trip.

You can have all this at compatible prices!

We will be happy to do business with you!

We are the carrier that you can trust! You won’t leave disappointed!

Thank you for choosing us!

We are always there for you!

Have a nice trip and bon voyage!